Samsung Service Centre in Katwaria Sarai - New Delhi

Samsung Service Centre in Katwaria Sarai – New Delhi

Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi, Delhi 110016

This problem is usually caused if the unit is not shipping bolts. If the washer is vibrating, make sure the shipping bolts. and make sure your washer is properly installed. If you are still facing this problem, book your service or fill out the form for your washing machine. A washing machine is used for washing as well as drying clothes. Based on the structure and the working features, it is divided into two categories. Semi-automatic and fully automatic: a semi-automatic machine has separate cabinets for washing and drying, whereas, on the other hand, a fully automatic machine has the same chamber for washing as well as drying.

24/7 Services are Available at Your Location 

Further, the automatic machine is also divided into two kinds based on the structure: front load and top load, but the working features are almost the same. If you are facing any problems with your washing machine, whether it’s semi-automatic or fully automatic, Do not worry, please just fill out your booking form or call Our expert washing machine technician will come to your door to repair your washing machine within 24 hours. Everyone wants to look good, and 60% of your appearance completely depends on your clothing. If you dress up neat and clean, you don`t need a spotlight; eyes automatically fall on you, and to keep your clothes neat and clean, a washing machine is a simple and very effective solution. The washing machine is one of the major and most frequently used appliances in our house.

Samsung repair & services in Katwaria Sarai – New Delhi

Experienced Technicians are Available 

Not only in urban areas but even in rural areas, people have using it because it makes washing and drying clothes much easier. You can wash not only one but many clothes at the same time, and you do not need to even keep an eye on it; you just need to put the clothes, water, and washing powder in it, and it will do the work by itself, so it saves your precious time as well. Our professional technicians will inform you immediately at that time. Further, We will also charge separately for the spare parts. and give you 90 days of warranty for spare parts and 30 days of warranty for general services. Our professional technicians have highly time-management skills. Further, we will provide service charges of 350/-. Therefore, general servicing charges for air conditioners will be 500/-.